Friday, December 10, 2010

Archagathus / Putrescence

Man I started writing a review of this 7'' and it came out totally clinical sounding so I'll just say that this is an awesome grindcore split between two of the coolest bands going in Canada's grindcore capital Winnipeg, Manitoba. Archagathus is straight up old school mincing grind who have a billion splits out, Putrescence is evil as fuck deathgrind who apparently recorded their side of this split in one alcohol drenched day and it turned out to be my favorite thing they've ever put out. This just came out on Killbomb Records out of Vancouver and Rescued From Life from Texas, buy it and support the underground.
Kill Bomb Records
Rescued From Life

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ruido - s/t 7''

Absolutely destructive hispanic thrash from California. This came out in '97 on Deep Six Records and is a total rager to the highest degree, think Los Crudos with blastbeats (and even some noisecore on a few tracks towards the end) and you're getting close. Tons of songs. I believe these guys might even still be going (they had an LP out as recent as 2006, although it's in more of a crustcore style and not as intense as this one), this one isn't too difficult to stumble across copies of.
PS - the rip I did came out sounding kinda shitty for some reason. Deal with it.
Deep Six Records

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

No Less - Boxed In

Absolutely one of the most fucked up, outrageous releases ever to come out of the Bay Area powerviolence scene. This band formed out of the ashes of Plutocracy (who were pretty out there in their own right) and this takes a step further into absolute nonsensical drugged out madness. Takes off from a basis of grind/punk but throws in all kinds of hip-hop samples, tribal samples, samples of whatever other music appearing between and during songs in a chaotic, disorienting manner (sometimes overtop of the middle of a song for no reason, sometimes multiple ones will occur at once, sometimes the band will play along to them in their own demented, noisy manner), a bunch of different vocal styles come and go from the action but the most memorable are the over the top high pitched yelps you'll hear plenty of. Lots of weird, noisy guitar riffs and nutty song structures, plenty of brutal blasts and grinding hate, just an essential and painfully overlooked entry into the Slap-A-Ham Records output. Released in 1997, a bunch of tracks appear on the "Le$$ons 93-98" compilation but unfortunately not the whole thing (which is stupid considering said release claims to be a "discography", oh well). Long out of print but it's not too difficult to come across a reasonably priced copy if you know where to look (got mine for $3 at Hits and Misses in Toronto, fans of this shit or just punk records in general should make a point of hitting that place up).

Sissy Spacek - Gutter Splint

Batshit insane noisecore courtesy of prominent California noise artist John Wiese. One-sided 7'' with some 22 songs (all titled, though I'm far too lazy to type them all out) in about 3 and a half minutes. Noise, vocals and drums, totally relentless, falls somewhere in between the Cripple Bastards' noisiest efforts and Insect Warfare's final LP but with more of a static driven high pitched tonality. Released in 2009 by Ketchup Cavern from Vancouver, they appear to still have copies so hit them up.
Sissy Spacek
Ketchup Cavern

Monday, November 22, 2010

Osk / War Hero Split

This just dropped a few months ago, two awesome grind/violence bands from BC square off against one another. Osk is former and current members of Mass Grave, Haggatha, Mudlark, Limb From Limb, Meat of Mankind and about a hundred other awesome Vancouver bands, flawlessly executed grinding hate with super precise musicianship and some great sludgy riffs to round it off. War Hero are from a tiny mountain town called Squamish and play gnarly ultra-fast powerviolence worship, clearly the result of listening to tons of Charles Bronson, Crossed Out, Infest and Short Hate Temper. Out on Black Banana Records from Nelson, BC and Rawer Breath Records from Edmonton, get in touch with the bands or either label for a physical copy and support DIY punk rock.
War Hero
Black Banana
Rawer Breath